Those of you who know me pretty well, know I have an irrepressible need to read at least one book per week, preferably two. I'm a sucker for the typical murder/spy/mystery paperbacks (easy to travel with) and have quite a collection of Cornwells , Pattersons, Koontz's, Ludlums (favorite), Kings etc. Every now and then, I try to read a "real" novel and every now and then, I fall in love with those books.
"Het verdriet van Belgie" is not one of them since I still haven't made it past page 50. But in the last two weeks, both "La Sombra del viento (Shadow of the wind)" by Carlos Ruiz Zafon and "The Kite Runner" by Khaled Hosseini left a deep impression on me. The first one gave me a glimpse of the city I studied in during a completely different time. It's sometimes hard to believe that Barcelona (and Spain)changed so much in so little time. "The Kite Runner" helped me understand the history of Afganistan and is just such a beautiful and ugly story...
So, if you don't know what to do or what to read, pick one of these up and let me know if you like them.
twee boeken per week...omg. ik = impressed.
Posted by: Nicodemus | Apr 12, 2007 at 07:35
The Kite Runner vond ik ook zo'n goed boek! En Shadow of the wind staat ook al een tijd op mijn "to read"-lijstje, maar jammer genoeg vind (neem) ik niet genoeg tijd om te lezen. Moet trouwens eerst nog De Engelenmaker van Stefan Brijs uitlezen!!!
Posted by: Ilse | Apr 15, 2007 at 12:57