Our Elmhurst, Queens apartment is for sale. Let me know if you know anyone who is looking to buy.
Every year, the Belgian American Chambre of Commerce organizes a great family event in New York to celebrate the Belgian national holiday on July 21st. This year, De Kreuners are performing, there is a Missbelgium election (!) and you can win cool prizes (Eddie Merckx bike, plane tickets etc.). Basically, it's a fun day out for the whole family and a chance to meet up with fellow countrymen.
So when I got an invitation last week from The Flemish House, announcing that they "requested my presence" (who writes this shit!!) at a reception on the occasion of Flander's Day on a boat, I thought that would be a fun early evening event, similar to the Belgian one. Drinking, laughing, eating, having fun with Flemish people and their friends and families. But when I rsvp'ed to say that I would love to attend with my husband and daughter, I got an anonymous reply from somebody at the Flemish House:
"Ik vrees dat het om een misverstand gaat. Deze 11 juli-viering is deze keer jammer genoeg geen familiaal evenement, maar een officiële diplomatieke avondreceptie.
Uiteraard is Lily wel van harte welkom op onze andere events!"
Loosly translated: It's a diplomatic event, no kids allowed... The invite indeed did say: you and one guest.
This is not the first time that I hear that somebody decides that kids are not welcome at a Flemish House event and I just think that this is ridiculous. What the fuck is "a diplomatic evening reception" anyway? Why would they even consider excluding families from an event that is supposed to be about celebrating a region? Honestly, I really do not understand the logic behind it.
Well, too bad for them, they will have to miss me at this "party". I hardly see my daughter enough as it is, so I will go on another boat some time with her, where she is welcome and that is probably a lot more fun than a night of "diplomatieke betrekkingen"...
Another reason why I think of myself as a Belgian and not a Flemish citizen.
Some of our Belgian and Dutch friends here in NYC had a birthday party last week for their 30th. This was the invitation:
30 State of Mind from Pieter on Vimeo.
The party was also fun! It was Lily's first rooftop party :-)
Another 5 weeks to go before the little one arrives and I feel like shit. I have the mother of all colds and can't seem to get rid of it. It sucks because Mike has the week off and I have visitors here from Belgium, but I can't seem to be able to get out of bed or off of the couch for more than 30 minutes a day without feeling worse. Because of the pregnancy, I can't take any medications or pain killers and the light cough medicine and the Vicks Vaporub are not doing the trick. I'm coughing my brains out and green slime is coming from everywhere.
Not cool.
With only about 7 weeks to go, I'm glad that our apartment is finally coming together. I really feel at home here and the eclectic mix of colors and stuff kind of makes it funky (in my humble opinion). The baby room still is waiting for some of the decorations, but I don't want to show those yet as they give away what sex the baby will be. The bedroom could be better, but having to share that room with a gigantic drum kit kind of limits the possibilities... Here are some pictures.
I just spent the whole morning pre-frying fries and making mayonnaise for our Belgian style thanksgiving dinner tonight. The "Hollanders" are preparing the appetizer, Charlotte & Pieter are making stoofvlees, Roel is preparing dessert and Hilary is getting the wine (better to leave the drinking bit to the English...).
Hubby is in Ohio at his mom's house doing it American style and no doubt being spoiled for 4 days straight. I'd be surprised if he has to lift one finger :-). Well, let him enjoy it... Those days will soon be over!
The latest hospital ultra-sound showed that the placenta has moved away from my cervix, so all is perfect in babyland.
Happy Thanksgiving everybody!
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